Welcome statement from Joshua Pagden, CNIO

“The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) is at a critical point in its development with multiple ambitious and transformative projects that will improve care provision for our patients and the working environment for colleagues.

Central to these exciting and necessary improvements are seismic changes to our digital teams, devices and systems. More than ever before, clinicians are becoming central to shaping the direction and priorities of our digital programmes and ensuring we achieve the maximum benefits for patients and colleagues. Everyone has a part to play and a contribution to make to designing and implementing systems that will support safer decision making, treatment, documentation, communication and patient flow.

We are at the start of a long journey that will have challenges, but together we will work to deliver some outstanding improvements that will take our organisation forward and enable us to meet the expectations of those who rely on our services.

For us here at SaTH, that means over the next few years we will be digitising our prescribing and drug administration systems, making them safer, protecting our patients and our staff. We will be moving towards electronic records, reducing duplication, releasing time to care and making information available wherever and whenever it is needed. We will be transforming how we make diagnostic requests and how we communicate with our patients and colleagues. These are urgent opportunities to improve how we deliver care, and we are excited to be working with every member of the SaTH community to deliver these ambitious plans.”

Joshua Pagden

Chief Nursing Information Officer and Clinical Safety Officer

“System C’s Careflow Patient Administration System (PAS) is the foundation of the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system (fulfilling the functions of the SemaHelix system).”

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